To get a haircut or not, that was the question on Jay Henry’s mind shortly before noon today. Henry had stopped in at Stinker Petticoat on State Street in Eagle and bought an Idaho $1,000,000 Raffle ticket. It was shortly before noon. His Raffle number was a few hundred off the next guaranteed winner of $1,000 – ticket number 200000.
Henry programmed his haircut appointment into his phone and started driving before making a big decision.
“I was so close to the 200000 number, I thought maybe I should just get one more raffle ticket,” explained Henry. Instead of heading to his appointment, Henry drove toward Boise on State Street to the next Idaho Lottery retail location, the Maverik on State underneath the Idaho Lottery jackpot billboards. It was shortly after noon now. He went in and bought another Raffle ticket.
“The clerk started shouting ‘it’s the $1000 winner, it’s the $1000 winner!’ and I just couldn’t believe it. I’d been trying to win that!” exclaimed Henry.
Within an hour, Henry had contacted the Idaho Lottery, driven to our offices, and claimed his $1,000 prize.
“I’m going to pay off a few bills and then surprise my fiancé,” said Henry on what he plans to do with his winnings.
And we heard Henry say, as he walked out the door, “Wooh-hoo! And Merry Christmas to all!”